If you don't know Kathy. Check her out by here. Besides being a fantastic writer, she has a way of bringing you right into the midst of some rather entertaining stories. I promise you won't be sorry for popping in and visiting her every now and then.
Here is a little teaser for you. Her most recent release is about her intense dislike for wearing winter coats and the delimna she faces living in Maryland.
We’re snowed in today. Like, 20 inches of snow. It’s lovely being forced inside with your family and not having the option to leave the house for anything. I’m not being sarcastic. I really think it’s been fantastic. The snow is beautiful and as long as I don’t have to touch it, I love it. Which brings me to the point of this post. I’m usually not forced to pull out my coat until January.
I have a personal anti-coat policy. I dislike them.

This is the view from her window this last week. Hellloooo! Who wouldn't have a disdain for coats in weather like that?
To get back to the task at hand, I have to share a song with you that I heard this week. Chris Tomlin instriduced a new artist on his most recent Christmas CD. Audrey Assad has captured beautifully the gentleness of the season in her lyrics to Winter Snow. I couldn't resist sharing them with you. Just click the words Winter Snow and it will take you to her playlist where you can listen.
Huh, seeing my anti-coat policy partnered with the view from my front door really puts things in perspective. You'll be proud to know, though, that there's a high of 34 today and I'm happily coatless. :-)
I was quite entertained with it when you posted that pic on facebook within a short time of your blog post. I got a great giggle out of it.
Would it be completely wrong to tell you it's sunny and 67 here today?
Can you believe she lives somewhere like that after seeing me live in Maine? hmmm. Life is funny! and it was even funnier that you gave her a Texas temp on her...tee hee.
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