But, here is the deal. We have get one thing straight first. I'm not promising anything. Nope. There is no commitment here. But, I'll o my best to keep up with the others participating in the challenge. Especially since my friend here was the one I heard about the challenge from and she is willing to embark and hasn't posted in 5 months. But, she's been a little busy. I'll forgive her. This time.
On with the challenge.
A snowstorm hit Houston on Friday and the whole city came to a screeching hault.
It was like a white wonderland. Or as close as this part of the South will ever see.
All these cars and me were headed home. Due to the fact that schools and business closed across the city. Weather reports called for 1-4 inches of snow and a night of freezing temperatures.
But the kids were thrilled. Filled with joy. Full of laughter. And wet from head to toe. My laundry this week tripled in size due to the number of times Griffin changed clothes in the span of about 4 hours the snow was available for play.
I was thrilled the next morning to still find a little of the white stuff hanging around.
Is it too much to ask for two snows in one winter season? I mean, we have now had two in two years. Since it was a balmy, muggy 67 degrees today, I guess it might be pushing it. Just a little.
Hope you all get to enjoy a little (or a lot for you true Northerner's) of snow in your neck of the woods this season.

Thanks for including your "lovely" friend in the beginning of your blog. Ty was so grateful for the pics of the snow and a tad jeolous :)
This will be a challenge for me indeed, but sounds fun.
Thanks for playing with me...I miss ya!!! Daina
I'm sort of excited about playing. Right now anyway. Three days into this, I might loose some of my excitement though. We will see. Grins.
Why is Griffin not wearing a coat??? This is not spring break on the slopes, it is actually cold out!!! I would try this, but my titles are so NOT creative already, I am afraid I would make an absolute mess of it.
You know there are only about 4 long sleeved items in his entire wardrobe. They had all already been worn and wallowed around in the snow by the time I took that pic.
You should do this. Its actually easier than making up a title. Just pick a song title and go with it. Give it a shot.
Hilarious! I am laughing my head off! From what I've heard everyone down there was just in a panic and I love it! Ya know its sad when we haven't even gotten snow and you guys have!! I'm hoping for another ice storm :)
Elizabeth - if you are referring to Granny (or Nanny as you call her) in a panic, I am pretty sure you are correct, lol!! She needs tohave the weather channels and news channels blocked from her cable sometimes!!!
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