Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's A Great Day

It's a great day. GREAT DAY. Yep, it's a great day!

This video was written and produced by some of our very own, extremely talented Bible Study class members. We are having a church wide contest between classes to see who can get the most hits on our unique class 'commercials' posted on YouTube. As of now, we are in the running with 372 hits on our fantastically produced little number, but still running in what looks to be 3rd place. Every vote counts. So go watch. And watch each day. You have to stick around to the end for the vote to be counted.
You will either be convinced that it IS truly a great day, that missing church on Sunday mornings can prove to be a dangerous path to fall into or that the Lord truly spoke to you through the voice over at the end and you will never miss Bible study again. Props to Joe for a job well done!
That and our leading actor Tony, might have a shot at a backup career in acting. That is, if the need for quality educators seems to diminish and he is absolutely desperate for a job. Wink, wink!
Enjoy and pass it along!

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