Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.."

Today is my last day to be off of work from the Thanksgiving holidays. My mini-vacation hasn't consisted of much more than hanging out around the house and catching up on some much needed cleaning. But, I did get the Christmas tree up which is quite a chore definitely to be elaborated on in the very near future . I actually feel like my brain has returned to some sense of normal functioning power since the test last Friday. For a couple of days, I was very worried. There were serious verbal malfunctions occurring like grammatical errors, inability to complete a thought in a sentence, insane amounts of discouraging words and a severe overuse of strong and very profane words. But, alas sentences are flowing more freely and correctly and my thoughts and words are much softer. Getting back to normal feels so good.

In light of the season and a request from my sister, I am adding a list of things I 'heart.'. Not my normal thing to do for the family, but here goes:

My kitchen cabinets would look so great with these knobs and pulls.

And dinners would taste so much better when served in these dishes.

I tried this coat on the other day and fell in love with it. And nothing beats a great pair of basic black wool pants.

Of course, these are my favs, but these look comfy too.

Love running in these shorts and a monitor like this one would have me running with a smile on my face.

Fell in love with this dress the other day. And it could be finished off with this shade of color perfectly, except I'm out.

This clock for the kitchen would keep me on time, along with this one for the bedroom.

Sipping on this, this or this from these (or these might be more practical) makes a fine ending to a long day while watching a favorite movie or two.

My dentist truly loves the oral care provided by my current toothbrush, but it's a little worn and outdated. The new and improved version would be a fun bonus.

And these fun little clips will help keep my charms in place on one of my very favorite bracelets.

I could go on and on forever with things that I adore and think I need or just would love to have. But most of all if I could just have a visit from Mr. Cool Weather, some fantastic, warm food and be surrounded by my family laughing and making memories, I would be set. Have a feeling that wish will come true!

1 comment:

Shalee said...

You know, with expectations of happiness set on such fantastic, doable ideals, I have a feeling that you will find yourself completely satisfied this Christmas no matter what is under the tree!