Monday, June 4, 2012

Corporate Cup 2012 Recap

Saturday's events proved to be a blast! It was a field day for adults, complete with corn toss, tug of war, golf chipping, football toss, and so much more. I almost thought I was 12 years old again. And then my legs started aching and my energy level wained and all of the sudden I was reminded of my true age. 

Meet some the team, friends! This pic was post 5K, so excuse the sweaty faces. It was a hot and humid morning. But, we had two people place in the top  3 of their gender, age divisions. Woot woot!
And even though the humidity almost choked me on this run and my running has been sporatic and less than ideal over the last couple of months, I ended up with a new PR. 27:57.2. It's not fast by any means, but by golly I did it! 
After all of the morning fun with the 5K and skilled events, the serious competition began. Bring on the relays! Participating in the 4 x 400 relay had me a bundle of nerves already and then I saw my competition. This lovely athlete whose warm up lunges and thighs reminded me of Jackie Joiner and had me shaking in my running shoes.

But then someone said the nicest thing to me..."she's got nothing on you with your running skirt and pearl earrings." I decided to take my running skirt and pearl earrings out to the track and give it all I had and guess what?! Our team finished that relay in 5.00:19 and our friend up there, well...her team came up just short of our time at 5.06:64.

And the moral of the story is don't mess with girls in running skirts and pearl earrings!

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