Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things I Heart

Things I love today:

1. Hearing some of my favorite songs on the way to work!

Oh how, I want to be Whatever It Is to someone while I'm living out these few more weary days until I fly away.

2. One thousand sweaty, rambunctious and CRAZY youth jam packed in the sanctuary rallying, worshipping and praying together in preparation for Beach Retreat '09.

DISCLAIMER: Last summer's promo video is all I could find that shared with you a good picture of all the Beach Retreat is about. Please keep these kids, leaders, volunteers, parent and don't forget about the locals that put up with the descent of a billion teenagers each summer in their communities in your prayers!

3. Increasing the weights on some of my arm exercises at the gym during the lunch time workout. Gun show coming soon!

4. Free root beer floats from our good friends over at Sonic shared with good friends! Good times!

5. Listening to the news casters reveal the "naked truth" about the stripper who is pressing charges on the patron who "aggressively fondled her buttocks." How do they keep a straight face when reporting that kind of stuff? Seriously?

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