Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back in the game

So, I've been a little checked out for the past couple of weeks. But, I am slowly coming back around and getting back in the game. Tonight I feel strong! Well, I felt strong a little earlier when I got back from a fantastic run. After 9 long months of waiting I am finally able to pull out the sports bra and lace up the tennies. In March the doc told me I had a "femoral neck stress fracture" which is fancy for a really screwed up hip. All in all it involved a lot of pain, sleepless nights and pent up frustration and stress. And over the ocurse of the last 9 months I used it as an excuse to become blatently lazy. The legs are jello. The core is soft and a little larger than a few months ago. And just when I thought the stamina would be amiss, I go for a little run.

Ten, twenty, thirty minutes go by and I was still going. YES!

You see, I have this love/hate relationship with running. (More so pre-hip mess since absence truly does make the heart grow fonder) Most of the 'hate' part stems from building endurance. It's hard work. And I am not sure sometimes how much I really enjoy the hard work. But the past couple of runs I have had have really surprised me. Stamina does not fade as fast as muscletone and strength apparently. Praise God! I'm not pulling off any marathons anytime soon. But, possibly a 5K in the near future.
Post jog. Feeling strong.

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