Last night I enjoyed an evening of quality entertainment, including a dinner of popcorn, chocolate truffles, wine. Scent of a Woman has to be one of my top five favorite movies ever, so any evening that I can spend a little time with the antics of Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade and the sensibility of Charlie Simms is a good night indeed. Ho-ahh!
I had a sofa snuggle partner. She missed all of the quality entertainment last night because she exhausted from trying to convince me she needed some popcorn and truffles. I gave her one piece and then proceeded to finish off the bag.
I woke up ravenous this morning. After scrounging around in the fridge I managed to pull together enough ingredients for a hearty veggie omelet. Spinach, onion, and tomatoes sauteed and added to my two-egg omelet with just a tad bit of cheese. Topped off with salsa...MmmmMmmm!
Now that I am fueled for the morning, I'm off to start the laundry. Laundry stinks. It's the chore I procrastinate on the most. Everyone needs a little fuel to get through that chore.
And in honor of the great Etta James, I'll leave with you with this.
Sunday kinda love to you all,