Saturday, July 24, 2010

This one is for you, CL

This post is specifically put together with one person in mind in an effort to provide a brief update on our lives. However, I know those 4 or 5 loyal readers out there will appreciate the post as well. Whether you come her for my impecible photography skills, or my mad writing skillz, or the always entertianing wit, I know you will find something in here to suit all of you.

Just before school got out, Griffin and I (and I stresss the I) had to make a mad dash to creatively overcome some failing grades that just happened to pop up as he was about to be inducted into the National Junior Honors Society. By the hair of his our chinny, chin, chin, he scraped by and was able to take his oath the maintain honorable character, service, and GRADES for the upcoming school year.

We celebrated with family.

And ice cream.

Hi, Nana. Did you just partake of some tasty frozen custard? And watch your most adorable grandson hold his head high as he claimed his right to the National Junior Honor Society? And, also a little birdy told me you had a birthday recently? Is that true? No way.

Like mother, like daughter.
Disclaimer: Not the same ice cream celebration. I really "heart" ice cream in the summer. I try to take advantage of it every chance I get.

It was a good thing this Spring I was running so much. It helped to give me a better starting place for all those ice cream calories.

Here I am running like the wind in May. Well, there was no so much wind that day. But, lots of humidity. That smile on my face is deceiving people. My thoughts went a little something like this...

"Thank you Lord for legs to run,
Thank you Lord for helping me to survive the previous 13 miles,
Thank you Lord for letting me see the finish line in the next .1 miles,
Lord, please don't let anyone be in my way when I cross that finish line, lest they get baptized in my vomit."

After a few dry heaves, a bottle of water, and a sweet Medal I am feeling better.
Hi there boyfriend/running partner! What? You crossed the finish line about 45 minutes ago? Were you born in Kenya? No really, I am serious?

Looky here, my other favorite guy on the right. He's going to be a big, black Panther mascot this next year for Junior High. He gets to hang out with the cheerleaders and he is super stoked about that. What teenage, hormone boy wouldn't be??!

He met another Mascot friend at camp this week. It didn't take them long to bond and connect over fur,  the enormous amount of sweat that they endure for the sake of their school, and who's big furry head smells worse on the inside.

Now, my boy is on the left. He's the big cat. Rooooaaarrr!

Well look who it is... Aunt Jae. So glad you could join us to watch Panther Boy peform with his new friends.

And so glad to see you brought Polly Belle along for the ride. I'm pretty sure she was glad to have the sound muffled some in the depths of your gorgeous belly. Because it was LOUD in there!

Hope you enjoyed this little presentation and glimpse into our recent lives. There will be more to come. I promise.

From the bottom of my heart,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yes, you...

Much Love,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A treasure for today

It makes me a warm and fuzzy inside to come across little treasures shared by other people.

I read this blog and found this amazing video posted over there today.

It spoke beautiful things to me.

Hope it does the same for you.

Stay Beautiful,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Anniversary 5K

Yesterday morning I ran my own private celebratory 5K.

It was the morning of my smoking cessation anniversary. Sound weird? Yeah, I know. It is a little, but it's kinda a big deal to me. So, humor me and roll with it for a bit.

It's been 3 years y'all,  and I can count on one hand the number of times I have picked up a ciggie since. On the other hand, I can NOT count the crazy number of times that the thought of picking up one of those little devils has crossed my mind.

When I decided the end of my love affair with smoking was near, I did like everyone does when they end a significant relationship in their life. I went in search of a replacement. Just thinking something temporary was in order to get me through the initial onset of change and loss, I thought I would conquer the ability to run a mile. So, I strapped on my tennies and set out huffing and puffing through the streets of my neighborhood.

Guess what happened?

I fell in love again.

Nope, this isn't just a rebound thing. It's the real deal. Fully committed and enduring the good times and bad.

So, in honor of my three years of virtually being smoke-free and successfully conquering and surpassing my ability to run 1 mile, I decided to head out for a run.

Please disregard the sweat ring around my visor. I'd like to tell you there is some significant attachment that I have to my dirty, stinky, yellowed hat, but it basically just boils down to being too lazy to scrub it down with some Oxiclean.

If only my relationship with laundry and cleaning was as strong and devoted as my love affair with running.
It was a toasty morning friends. See my sweat dripping on the ground? Nice.
The legs deserved a little post-run rest. I sat down and thanked them for carrying me each mile they have over the last three years and sang their praises for being strong this morning. We discussed the recent ebbs and flows of our relationship and decided that it was time to flow more than ebb. Our season of ebbing has been swell, but we are at a point where we need to experience a little growth. 

And then, I threatened them from any injuries. Or else.

Happy trails,